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Gift-Acceptance Policy

The Blum Family Foundation seeks outright gifts and future gift commitments that are consistent with its mission. Donations generally will be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, organizations, government agencies, or other entities without limitations - unless acceptance of gifts from a specific source is inconsistent with the organization's beliefs, values, and mission regarding kidney disease. The Blum Family Foundation will not accept gifts from companies whose products may be harmful to our clients or from donors whose requests for public recognition are incompatible with our philosophy of appreciation.


In processing, all gifts will be coded in the donor database for the constituency source from which the gifts were given (e.g., individual, corporation, foundation, organization, etc.).


Multiyear pledges for major gifts are encouraged, but for no more than three to five years. Donors should complete and sign a gift or pledge agreement form detailing the purpose of the gift, payment schedule, and how they wish their names to appear in donor-recognition materials. 


Donors are encouraged to support areas reflecting their interests. The Blum Family Federation's priorities include gifts for unrestricted and endowment purposes.


A selection of named or commemorative gift opportunities may be made available to each donor. Such opportunities represent a tangible means of demonstrating an individual donor's investment in the Blum Family Foundation.


When gifts with restrictions are accepted, restrictions will be honored. These restrictions will be detailed in the donor's gift or pledge commitment letter.


Donor information that should be private and confidential will not be made public.

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